
Showing posts from April, 2017

Ethical Behavior in Digital Communication

Privacy Statement   April 30, 2017 I am honored, now that I have finally decided that from now on I am going to be even more careful while handling information that belongs to myself, my family and my friends. I believe in the importance of personal information, and by personal information I mean; any information that may be used to identify myself, my family and my friends, such as full names and addresses. I am aware that there’s a danger in being careless with personal information, and on this basis, I solemnly promise to refrain from posting information online that may contain obscenities either as images or as words, that may in anyway misrepresent myself, my family and my friends. I am aware that there are cyber criminals and sneaky weirdo strangers out there who are ready to seize on any opportunity I may unknowingly let out. Having said that, my first action would be to give more attention to ethical behavior online. On this last day of April, I am going to ...

Dead Media

Samuel Collins Media Poster April 17, 2017 Outdoor Movie Theater Popular during the mid 20th century, a drive-in outdoor movie theater provided a new movie- watching experience the world was just beginning to see. People could sit with their cars parked in front of a screen to watch films. This was really new-- enchanting,  romantic even. Of course, it was one of those things which represents the richness of American culture. I think this new way of theater-going brought new innovation into the way people saw entertainment. Lovers could explore the outdoor together. Part of the reasons why drive-in outdoor theaters are rare in recent times maybe because of the increase in the quality of digital equipments, and the low prices that they are being sold for.  I confess, even my mother would know so little about the Jukebox era. I myself do feel displaced just by talking about jukebox. But still, put your seatbelt on before we begin our journey back ...

Zaire: A Nation of Jewels

A Small African Village  April 13, 2017     Kikwit is the largest city and capital of Kwilu province.  The city lies along the bank of the Kwilu River in the southern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it occupies a respectable place among few other countries in Equatorial Africa. The Democratic Republic of Congo alone is bordered by nine African countries, including Angola, Zambia, Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania. The geographic coordinates, according to information from the CIA FACTS BOOK, says, for example, that Kikwit has an absolution location of; 000 N, 2500 E. with a population of over 70 million people, and resources ranging from rare minerals, including some of the world’s leading precious stones; such as diamond, gold, Uranium, coal and timber.     A November 15, 1991 article in The New York Times; “ Kikwit Journal; Once a Colonial Jewel, a City Hurtles Backward”—written by Kenneth B. Noble, from whi...

Fascinated By Bond Street

LOGO The Wall Street Journal: Here “ There was Regent’s Park. Yes. As a child, he had walked in Regent’s Park–odd, he thought, how the thought of childhood keeps coming back to me–the result of seeing Clarissa, perhaps; for women live much more in the past than we do, he thought. They attach themselves to places; and their fathers–a woman’s always proud of her father .” ― p. 55. Peter Walsh is an old friend of Clarissa’s, who has his own painful past. Clarissa, for her part-- had never really liked him, or at least not enough to had gotten married to him. But when Peter is back from India, and happened to be one of her guests on the party, Clarissa, for the first time felt anew by his presence. What’s even more interesting is that, she finds out that he intends to divorce his current wife,—he too was still in love with Clarissa. Non Descript: Source--We...

Regent's Park-- London

                                                                                                                                           Old London Traffic                                                                                                                               Encyclopedia Britannica W...

Sense Of Place

                                               The woman Who Loved Me I grew up in West Africa, in a small Liberian village, owned by my grandmother during the early 70s, - (that’s before I was born) the 80s, and up to the 90s. Interestingly, this little village was only four miles from the city. Buchanan, as it was called, has become an industrial giant, rapidly growing in every area. There were lots of businesses, and investors, and countless supermarkets and stores, and pave roads, and beautiful beaches, including electricity, running water and telephone lines for easy access. During the early 80s, the city saw huge increase in immigration, majority of them were Lebanese merchants, and American investors, and Indian physicians. People came from the neighboring countries, too to enjoy our wealth and the U.S dollars which was then the legal currency. The I...

Introduction to English 217 Class

Hello everyone! My name is Samuel Collins, but I prefer you call me Samuel, not Sam. Meanwhile however, because so many Americans are ignorant of the languages and cultures of other nations, I believe it's wise to   mention something about my rather obscured birth place, Liberia. This little country hides itself along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in West Africa. We speak English, and use dollars as our currency. I have a wide range of habits-- ranging from reading, travelling, writing and playing Words With Friends, on my phone. There are a lot more I rather not mention here otherwise I would find myself writing a memoir. . Surprisingly, I am still having trouble zooming in on exactly what to major in in college, and perhaps this is partly because I haven't figured out yet how I want to live my life. In any case, I am thinking about a profession which would allow me to work primarily for myself, and some times for corporations, companies or non-profits organizati...