Monuments: Our Secret Lives
Insight Man is neither kind nor respectful, say I, whenever he erects monuments to memorialize humanity's heroes. Give man a chance I ask, and see if he wouldn't haul his God from out of the heavens and bring him down here on the Earth, and then make of him a public spectacle, thinking little of the need for such a venerable One. Thinking still less whether that's what the saints and the prophets of ancient time had ever wanted, fame it's called,- when they walked the Earth. Profane, profane I shout!….All that man cares about, is this fleeting experience. He then blinds himself into thinking that he can still make the life of those great ones still greater, and so he goes and built a whole monument of some poor saint, some tired soul, some loving heart who had died trying to change the world. I pray you please tell me, what more do such a pure soul, one who had seen it all, heard it all, and therefore understands it all, can ever again want from fame. An...